picture if you will –

habitat as a pattern for possible futures. this small work* is a companion piece to our first film, ‘deep litter‘ which looked at the practices we follow to create a safe, healthy habitat for our food-forest-ranging flocks, which is in every aspect mutually supportive. designing to meet our intrinsic needs, with contentment and flourishing as its priority, is a way forward that we can draw on to create a future all of us want to live in.

if you’re fond of ‘deep litter’, ‘broody hen’ and ‘goosehouse’ films in particular, you might like to get the postcards to hear when i release my next film, on keeping ducks for a more resilient future.

i’d love to hear your thoughts on picture if you will – and if it feels like a pattern you could implement more of in your own life. join the conversation over on patreon.

thank you to our radio, film and (newly!) letter patrons, for all your support.