farm + farmhouse tours

our farm-tour patrons co-create a monthly farm and farmhouse tour film with elisa, directly based on their questions and requests. join us in exploring the systems that function resiliently here, with a close-up on what’s happening in this particular moment in the season. each month we privately release a freshly filmed tour of appleturnover, including current challenges and successes, what regenerative projects we’re working on next and featuring patron questions. farm-tour patrons get an opportunity to direct the focus of these films and to see more closely behind the scenes how things could work in their own lives. 

our farm-tour patrons also make it possible for us to make more films, articles, books, podcasts and live events of our experiments in regenerative ways of living on the smallholding and the island beyond. many thanks! 

in addition to the monthly tours, get your name in the credits of the long-form films, make suggestions for future films, receive the letters subscription and a copy of the journal of small work* serial printable book with your name in the acknowledgements, as well as early access to  the journal of small work* radio.

you’ll get your patron-only video farm + farmhouse tour monthly, and the private thread stays open to ongoing discussion and questions. tour patrons have access to the patron-only archive, where we’re building a private library catalogued by seasons, of small works to support your own projects.

deepening connections with each other and support for all of our small work, particularly within the member-only threads, is the heart of this project.

if this feels like the collaborative project for you to get more support and insight into the philosophy, practices and skills of regenerative living so you can get more done on your own projects, check out the farm tour membership. we look forward to seeing you at the next farm + farmhouse tour!

become a farm tour member: