the generations returning to the land –

this small work looks at our fluencies as we reskill and reconnect with heritage and resilience, while repatterning another future, one based in collaboration. if you like this work you might like to look at, if you aren’t already familiar, ‘braiding sweetgrass’ by robin wall kimmerer, ‘less is more’ by jason hickel, and ‘the work that reconnects’ by joanna macey, in particular the active hope training.

thank you to the appleturnover members for supporting this writing in the first place, and this podcast and its filmed variation. there’s a playlist of filmed podcasts at appleturnover here. i’ve been making shorts from some if them, though i must say i’m not sure if this visual form works. i’d love to hear if it resonates.

here’s the plain and simple audio variation.

as ever, sharing extends the reach of my words, i so appreciate it! thanks for listening.

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